Tuesday, 27 November 2012


I've been employed by my company since 2000 - I've mainly loathed it. The people I work with are fine for the most part, it's the company I work for that's the problem.

The company is American owned and very controlling. They want to control what you wear, how you behave and what you blog or post on Facebook.

Since February this year my job, and those of the colleagues in my department, has been under threat. We know we are going - at some point - but we have had no firm communication from the company when they will get rid of us. So we're waiting and feeling pretty disheartened in the meantime.

It's pretty stressful knowing that after almost 13 years with the same company (yes, yes I know I hate it) I'll have to find something new. My skills are pretty specific and I think I'm going to have trouble finding something in the same field.

So ... perhaps it's time to change career? But to what? Vacancies for reading with a cat on your lap are, as you can imagine, in pretty short supply. I'm literate, reasonably intelligent, with good IT and admin skills - but then so are thousands of others.

Perhaps it will turn out to be a blessing and I'll find my true vocation, true calling. But - to be honest - I can't help thinking my working career is over at the grand old age of 40. I'm just too old. Too old to learn shiny new skills.

As you can see - I'm flip flopping from - "it's a good thing" to "it's a bad thing". Stay with the company and try to squeeze some redundancy from them? Try to find something, anything new so that they don't have the pleasure of kicking me out that door.

Thoughts? :-)

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